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Art Therapy

"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow.  So do it."

- Kurt Vonnegut


Throughout my entire my life I have used art to express myself.  This has been super helpful to me.  When one of my college professors told me about art therapy, it was like I felt my life click into place.  With my help, my clients have often found the same peace I have found through art and making things.  I believe that everyone has an artist inside.  Art and being creative comes in so many different forms.


Just making something can be healing, can boost mood and energy levels.  Art Therapy has taken this idea and goes a little deeper by asking clients to explore what their art means for them.  In working with my clients, we are often surprised at the depth of emotion in the artwork.  It can bring things to the surface that we had been previously unaware. It allows for a new way of expressing emotions and thoughts.


I know that you are thinking "but I can't draw!" I assure you that is okay!  The goal of art therapy is not to make the next Great Artwork, but to allow for new expression.  I will never ask you to do something you aren't comfortable doing - Art Therapy is just one of the many tools in my tool box.

"Art is not always about pretty things.  It's about who we are, what happened to us, and how our lives are affected." 

- Elizabeth Broun


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